When black people say they are tired, we mean our souls are tired. The very thing that keeps us going when our physical bodies can't. But what happens when your soul can't go on? I have actually had to acknowledge and care for my soul as a separate entity because of all the trauma and racism that surrounds me.
The biggest lesson I learned in September was that self care and soul care are essential daily habits and rituals that have to be integrated into my routine in order for me to thrive. If I'm being honest, that means being in a constant state of self awareness and doing whatever is necessary to stay centered. Chile, just typing that was exhausting. But I also know that this is going to take some practice and I'm committed to that.
I covered several aspects of health in September/October. Below is a recap if you missed anything. Each subject has highlights (posts, interviews and blogs) for quick reference.
Physical Health
- Self Care
- Black Tea IG Live interview with Savoun Perry: Snapback Culture
- Wellness Wednesday/Refocusing on Fitness
- Obstetric Violence/Birth Trauma
- Body Positivity & Appreciation
- Fitness Friday Update
- Skin Care & Health
- Supplement Recommendations
- Self Breast Exam Reminder
- Mammogram Blog
- Black Tea IG Live interview with Brandlyn Owens
- Suicide Prevention
- Rest/Unplug
- Setting Boundaries
- Run Your Race At Your Own Pace
- Dear Girl
- Let Go/Change Your Mindset
- Mindset Blog
- Black Tea IG Live interview with Shirnetta J. Harrell
- Holy MatriMommy Book Interview featuring author, Kalonda Colman
- HAP over WAP Blog
- CBD & Sex
- OBGYN Appointment Reminder
- Sex After Birth Blog
- PCOS Awareness Month
- PCOS Guest Blog featuring Amy Leigh
- Trauma
Seasonal Effective Disorder: Winter will be here before we know it which means depression and anxiety will be even more prevalent. We may be facing more isolation and continued social distancing so keep that in mind when planning for the holidays. Human connection is important so be creative with how you stay in touch with loved ones. Please be sure to continue to put yourself first, prioritize all aspects of your health and stay safe.