As I read this early this morning, I cried. Even though I have heard parts of this story many, many times, it was somehow different this time. No edits. Just heartfelt words from a loving mother. Thank you mom for sharing OUR birth story!
The pregnancy was sailing along and the activity in my belly was at an all time high from several months in, but I dismissed the thought of twins in the first trimester because I read somewhere that most women give thought to twins when they begin to feel movement due to the first sensations of life in their core. But let me fast forward to the end of my 7th month of pregnancy when I went to Dr. M for my monthly routine checkup. I knew that I was feeling exhausted, but I figured that it was normal or to be expected due to the multiple pregnancy. Dr. M informed me that I had to be placed in the hospital due to the onset of premature labor. I was totally unprepared for that seeing as how I was still working part time and I was caring for my five year old. However, Dr. M was animate about it. While in the hospital for a weekend Dr. M was able to stop the labor and advised me that I would be spending the duration of the pregnancy in the hospital. The thought of that depressed me so much that Dr. M devised an alternate plan. I was told that I had to stay on complete bed rest and my doctor visits would increase to 3 times per week and my five year old would have to be cared for outside of my home. But more than that, I had to leave my home to ensure that I would not do what a pregnant, restless soul would do, everything but. Until I could confirm to Dr. M that I would comply with those conditions I would not be released from the hospital so I did comply and I was threatened that if there were any remote signs that I was not complying, I would be placed back in the hospital.
My brother was a head nurse at one of the major hospitals at the time and he was on a month long vacation and with Dr. M knowing him personally, it was a go. My sister cared for my five year old and the tri-weekly doctor visits were managed without any further complications of early labor in the pregnancy. There was one concern for Dr. M that was discussed during one of my visits which concerned me and it was that the babies were positioned in a “T”, meaning that the baby at the top was lying straight across while the baby at the bottom was positioned with the head down. Dr. M explained that if they remained in that position a C-section would be performed rather than allow the baby at the bottom to be born and then perform a C-section on the baby lying across the top portion of my uterus. I was concerned but I had so many things going on at that time that it was duly noted but I had bigger things pressing like where was the coolest spot in the house seeing that is was near the end of June and summer weather was in full effect! My due date was approaching and I had begin to walk with a limp because the babies had gained the weight that Dr. M was striving for and bed rest was doing the body much good. My due date was on the day of one of my visits and I was certain that Dr. M would usher me on to the hospital since we had made it to the target date or so I thought. All I got was an examination, a pat on the shoulder and an “alright now, I will see you on your next visit.” I was a bit distraught. No let’s get to the real, I was mad! I was so ready to get on with seeing the outcome of this 2 times everything going on with me and in me that I could have gone into a boxing ring and gone a few rounds, limping and all but I kept my cool because it was too hot to do anything else!
After leaving Dr. M and realizing that I was still very, very, very pregnant, I stopped to the library which was across the street from my brother’s place and that proved to be a very smart and much needed move. The library was quiet and cool and during the pregnancy I read up on pregnancy but not pregnancy of multiples so I picked up a book that proved to be a life saver! The book gave me insight as to what I had gone through up to where I was in that very moment and I could not put it down. It even gave me information on the fact that my babies were not both coming “head” first which meant that I was going to succumb to a C-section of which I did not want. I spent hours reading this book and then realized that I needed to wine down for the night so I drew myself a bath and just sat in the tub with some bath oil and began to rub my babies, especially my breached baby. Dr. M had already told me where the head was located so I followed the instructions from the book and just rubbed and rubbed. When I was ready to get out of the tub and I stood up my mucus plug fell out and I realized that active labor was in progress so I proceeded to get dress for bed and eat a snack, ham and cheese with a glass of milk. Yes, I was advised not to eat or drink if I thought that I was in labor, but I consciously did so because with my first child I woke up to my water breaking and followed the rules of not eating or drinking and I was so hungry that from that day to this, I can’t think about Crunch N Munch without remembering how starved I was with that experience because that’s all I thought about. I went to bed and when I could not sleep I woke my brother, who by the way was supposed to return to work the next day from his month long vacation. When we realized that the babies were on the way we called the doctor and was advised to meet Dr. M at the hospital because Dr. M was the on-call doctor for the night and had been delivering babies all night.
We arrived at the hospital a little after 4 am and I was dilated approx 4-5 centimeters. I was very exhausted and wanted to sleep mostly. Dr. M came by to see me and gave me an update on my progress but I was sent to x-rays to get a clear picture as to what positions the babies were in so that it would be determined whether I would have to have the C-section or not. Dr. M was happy to report that both the babies were positioned “head” first so I was sent back to labor and delivery with some crazy amazement that I was being spared a Cesarean section and the reading and time in the bath tub paid off! As the contractions got stronger I began to get super uncomfortable and Dr. M was nearing the end of the shift. It was now about 7:30 a.m. and Dr. M advised me to move it along because she really wanted to deliver the babies but was super exhausted and might have to turn my delivery over to the next on-call doctor. While I remained at 6 centimeters for hours my water would not break. The contractions were very intense and all I could do was grab the bed post and breath. Surprised to see Dr. M walking in my room about 9:40 a.m., I was advised that a tool would be used to aid in breaking my water and that was all I needed. Within 15 minutes I had reached 10 centimeters and was being wheeled to delivery. Baby girl “A” was born at 10:06 a.m. and as I laid on the delivery table, Dr. M advised that as I felt another pain to push, but everything seemed to stop with my contractions. I could hear breached baby’s heart beating so I was not so worried, but I was still being advised by Dr. M to push. After about 5 minutes of that Dr. M proceeded to have the nurse inject my IV with medication that would start up my contractions again and it worked. Breached baby began to trickle down and I felt her water break and she had arrived at 10:21 a.m. and Dr. M advised me to look over at her on the cleaning table and pointed out to me that due to her posture, she had been breached the entire pregnancy because she never cradled but laid straight out. At that moment I was so happy that I began to cry tears of joy because the girls were healthy and whole! Dr. M was so proud of our accomplishment that the girls were cleaned up, wrapped up and paraded around the immediate floor and nurse’s station.
That was the very first sign that they were the future queens of my life for the world to see that they wear beauty as garments of glory! My breached baby is your Best of Both Worlds blogger and she makes me proud everyday as does her twin sister. If I had to pick them first hand, I could not have selected anywhere near the precious blessings I have been given! Happy Birthday Beautiful Girls! You both have brought so much joy and peace to my life and I am very proud of the twentyfine women that you are today and will continue to be throughout your lives!
Now I know how to put into writing something so profound yet loving, something so shockingly unbelievable yet so very real. These are some of the emotions that still rush through my mind and my body when I think about two of the most beautiful flowers that could have bloomed out of me!