For the past several months I have been working to create a way to support more parents. After speaking with several new and expecting moms and learning more about what they really need, I have expanded my virtual care and designed a more personalized way to serve them.
Navigating the Wonder Years is personalized virtual doula support for new parents (pregnancy to 12 months postpartum) who are seeking guidance to be confident and emotionally healthy figures for their children. During pregnancy, parents will receive childbirth education and informational resources to help prepare for birth. During the postpartum period, parents will receive guidance on recovery & healing, newborn care and parenting.
An Overview
Navigating the Wonder Years is not your cookie cutter virtual doula support. It is customized parental mentorship that takes an depth assessment of what you and your family need while mapping out the best course of action to support you mentally, emotionally and spiritually by providing the appropriate resources and individualized care. We will put a plan in place that will give you the necessary time and space to take care of yourself and your family while meeting the parenting and personal goals you set. The main purpose of creating your parenting plan is to build a foundation that will prepare you for the early years of parenthood and equip you with the tools to handle the challenges that will come along with them. For most parents, the first year can prove to be the hardest due to trying to balance home life, work, relationships, health and so many other things. I will help you become a confident, self-aware parent and positive influence for your little ones.
Mental & Emotional Component
Because this program does not provide hands-on or in-person service, the care will comprise of mental and emotional support to ensure that you can be the best parent and person for your family and community. The only way to do that is to make yourself a priority and put you first. You can't pour from an empty cup and we will make sure that you have everything you need to thrive during your baby's first year of life. Remember, you are your child's first teacher and your example will make a lasting imprint on their lives. The investment you make in yourself is an investment in your children.
Spiritual Component
With a deep spiritual background, I serve all of my clients with a spiritual regard. For many of my clients, prayer, church attendance, counseling, mindfulness exercises, spiritual exploration and study help provide a sense of purpose and also guide their thoughts and actions. No matter what you believe, I will help you hone in on the best practices to increase your spirituality and be more conscious of who you are and who you want to be. Expanding your spiritual outlook will be a priority as your discover what type of parent you want to be and develop your parenting style.
Is Navigating the Wonder Years right for you?
Mentorship is available to any pregnant or parent with a children under the age of one. With a monthly membership, you will receive support through virtual check-ins, resources and referrals as well as a customized parenting plan to help you be a successful parent. If you want to be proactive in getting the extra support that provides whole person wellness care, Navigating the Wonder Years may be right for you. I can only take a limited number of virtual clients at a time so don't delay. Contact me and you will receive an email with more details on how I can support you.