Home & Family Life
When it comes to your family life, there are several things you can do right now to keep everyone calm, busy and out of the kitchen every half hour (operation reserve the snacks).
- Movie/T.V. Marathon-there is nothing like lounging around and watching a movie marathon, right? Take your mind off of the chaos and watch some funny, action packed, heartwarming movies or t.v. shows. As I type, I am binge watching one of my favorite Netflix shows, The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt.
- Spring Cleaning-since winter never really made an appearance this year, spring has arrived early and she has already spread plenty of pollen around. Take some time to catch up on the laundry, getting rid of old clothes, de-cluttering, deep cleaning and disinfecting your home.
- Educational projects & alternative learning-due to (tentative) school closures, you may be wondering how your child will keep up with studies and learning. Some school systems have already made plans to provide online classes and work packets for students. There are also several education companies that are now offering free subscriptions to their programs. Many museums are also offering virtual tours of their exhibits for your convenience. If nothing else, find some educational videos on YouTube. My son LOVES Bill Nye the Science Guy! Books and puzzles are good options to reduce screen time.
- Reorganizing Finances-now is definitely the time to reassess your finances, especially if you know or even think you may be out of school or work. File your taxes. Secure life insurance and a will if you haven't already. Put more money in an emergency fund for instances like this. If you're feeling adventurous, look into to buying some stocks while the prices are low. If you are in a financial bind and need assistance, contact your utility providers and credit card companies now so you can let them know your anticipated needs and work out a payment plan. Internet companies are forgoing disconnections for unpaid bills for the next 60 days and student loan interest has been suspended for the time being.
- Cooking/Baking/Grilling-there is always fun to be had in the kitchen! Why not get the kids involved and make some delicious baked goods, let them help you with meal prep or organizing your stock pile.
- Outdoor Play-getting out of the house and venturing into to nature, even for a little while is sure to lift your spirits. Fresh air and sunshine are natural mood boosters and a definite cure for cabin fever. It will also allow your children to exhaust all of their pent up energy. I highly recommend a family walk or bike ride around the neighborhood as well as grounding. Can't get outside? Indoor activities and games can be just as entertaining. Dust off your playing cards, board games, Wii, Guitar Hero and break out the bed sheets for fort building!
Work & Business
If you work from home, you are in an optimal position to continue working remotely without any real interception to your day. If you do not work from home or work for yourself, be sure to stay updated on your company's plan of action as well as how they will proceed with payroll and benefits. It will likely be covered under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act.
- Second quarter prep-entrepreneurs can start planning any short-term and long-term business content, events and travel. Been considering expanding your business or services? Maybe now is the time.
- Contact & Follow-ups-update your current and potential clients with your own plan of action during this time. Be in contact with others regarding the status of any upcoming meetings or events. Video conferencing is the most convenient and safest way to conduct business right now.
- Sleep-whether you are healthy or ill, sleep is needed for physical and mental health. Getting at least eight hours per night will aid in keeping your immune system strong.
- Feeding Your Body-eating as healthy as possible and drinking plenty of water will keep you energized and well. Whole foods like fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, herbs and spices will cleanse and boost the immune system. Herbal teas, vitamins and supplements are encouraged as well. I personally believe times such as this call for a candy stash.
- Yoga & Intentional Movement-moving with intention (deep breathing, stretching, even resting) helps keep your mind focused and positive energy flowing through you.
- Music/Dance-listening to music is also another great way to boost your mood and dance is a fun activity that gets your blood pumping and endorphins flowing. I have always found that midday (nap time) and bedtime dance parties make the transition to sleep easier for children.
- Detox Baths-these baths are designed to remove toxins from the body and reset the nervous system. I like to mix lavender essential oils, baking soda, homemade rose water and Dr. Teals Lavender Epsom Salt and Bubble Bath and soak in the tub for at least 30 minutes. I also highly recommend vaginal steaming for females.
- Aromatherapy-burning incense, smudging and diffusing essentials oils helps to cleanse and purify the air in your home and remove negative energy. Yogasleep (formerly Marpac) has an amazing line of products specifically for sleep and relaxation from mattresses to their highly popular sound machines and sleep scent diffusers.
- Prayer and Meditation-make time daily to release stress, refocus your mind and express gratitude for what you have and can control.
Being mindful and intentional during this time is critical and essential to staying healthy. These ideas and suggestions may not work for everyone, but can be used as a general guideline for you and your family while you are confined to your home. Some may need this time to take a total break from work to rest and spend quality time with their families. And that is perfectly okay. Unplugging is also a good idea especially if you need and want to protect your mental health. Remember to support local businesses if you can. If you have any other suggestions that can be added to this list, please list them in the comments.
If you are pregnant, a new parent or a caregiver/birthworker, please take extra precautions with your health and those around you. Check in with your provider regarding previously scheduled appointments. Communicate often and offer virtual support if possible (email, phone, text and video conferencing). Ask for help if you are in truly in need and of course stay up-to-date on COVID-19 matters by visiting the CDC's website.