For years I wondered how you did it…
Working two jobs, going to school, raising us and you still managed to be at every event, concert and fundraiser. You kept a pristine house and cooked almost every night. I remember you making dresses into the wee hours of the morning. You made sacrifices that I still don’t know about today. Just in the past two days, I have seen three sets of twin girls and I couldn’t help but smile and think of you :-) Truthfully, I never fully knew you and your life until I became a wife and mother.
Mom, you have loved me unconditionally since before I was born. You have prayed for me and with me continuously and I appreciate it more than you know. But it is your FAITH that has truly inspired me. While I was celebrating the happiest time in my life, you were going through so much. But you were right there with me. So supportive and smiling through your pain so you could be there for me. Just like a mother.
As a child, even when I didn’t understand, you always said, “Just have faith. God will work it out.” I hear you say those words in my head almost every day. It’s crazy how much time I’ve wasted worrying about things, but the older I get, the more I hear you. I thank God for you every single day. I pray he heals you and makes you even stronger than you were before your surgery. I pray that the rest of your life is as joyful and meaningful as you have made the lives of all of those around you because you deserve at least that.
I wish I could be with you today, but I know Kim is taking great care of you as always :-) Thank you mom for being a great woman & mother of FAITH. I love you!!