The holidays are the perfect time to reflect and just "be". But how many of us can actually do that? Sure we have some time off to spend with our families, but how much time do we dedicate to doing just that? We get so caught up in worrying about being the perfect hostess and getting everyone the perfect gift, but the reality is that none of that matters. No one is going to care whether or not you catered your dinner. No one is going to care about how much time you spent hanging lights and decorating. What your friends and family really want is you, mom. Your time. Your advice. Your presence. Your love. Simply being you could be just what your family and the world needs.
There are many ideas and misconceptions about Mary, but what we know for sure is that she was a dedicated mother who loved her family. She was a very special woman and she was with Jesus in every pivotal moment in his life. Even after Jesus left home to fulfill his destiny, Mary followed him and was always there when he needed her-even when he died. Just imagine what God saw in her that she should be the mother of our Lord and Savior. Even one of her other sons, James, became a major church leader. She was and still is a beautiful example of both womanhood and motherhood.
God sees the same thing in you that He saw in Mary. He wants you to be the best wife, mother, sister, daughter and friend you can be. Those of us who are mothers have the privilege and responsibility to care for His precious creations. We carry, birth and raise them because He chose us to do so. This Christmas, I challenge you to do two things:
1) Think about Mary and the type of mother she was. Your attitude and actions could be nurturing a future author, motivational speaker, scientist or leader of the free world.
2) Just "be" and relish in the season. Let the dishes pile up and enjoy your family. Memories are only created when we are truly present.
With just a few hours left until Christmas, I want to celebrate not only the birth of Jesus, but the birth of a mother. A mother like Mary. "Mary, Did You Know?" is one of my favorite Christmas songs and the lyrics are so powerful. Take a listen to my favorite version here:
Merry Christmas & have a fruitful and prosperous new year!