Endometriosis awareness is important to me because I USED TO BE a part of the 1 in 10 individuals that lives with the chronic illness worldwide. In 2021, I became an Endo Black Ambassador to help raise awareness about the full body disease. I started a petition to have endometriosis and adenomyosis categorized as disabilities in the U.S. You can sign it below.
My family and I have been supporting The Women's Center of Wake County for many years. One of my goals for 2023 is to make a quarterly donation to them from my business. Donations can be monetary or material. Click the link below to learn how you can support the local Women's Center.
Postpartum Support International is an organization that has been very beneficial for me as well as several of my past clients. Dedicated to providing educational resources and support through parenting groups and connection to mental health professionals, PSI has become a global powerhouse in assisting new parents who have perinatal mood disorders.
As a childhood sexual abuse survivor, I know all too well the long lasting affects of such trauma. Tell Somebody is an organization dedicated to providing assistance and mental health resources to individuals who have experienced sexual abuse and assault, sharing stories and personal truths as well as uplifting survivors.
Silence the Shame is a nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering and educating communities on mental health and wellness. To be a world leader on erasing the stigma and educating communities on mental wellness through Community Conversations, Wellness Trainings, compelling content, and outreach programs.
Aside from continuing my education and expanding my business this year, I also plan to dig deeper into Reproductive Justice work in more impactful ways. One of my top priorities is working with other doulas, birth workers and health care providers to change the North Carolina law that Certified Professional Midwives (different from Certified Nurse Midwives) are prohibited to assist in a home birth. It is also noted that most CPMs have hospital privileges and may not assist with home births. We saw a huge need for more midwives during the pandemic as the requests for home births soared. We must take action on this matter now so that more families have the birth they desire and have access to personalized prenatal and postpartum care. Sign the petition below.
Please contact me if would like to collaborate or host an co-host/sponsor a fundraising event.
My family and I have been supporting The Women's Center of Wake County for many years. One of my goals for 2023 is to make a quarterly donation to them from my business. Donations can be monetary or material. Click the link below to learn how you can support the local Women's Center.
Postpartum Support International is an organization that has been very beneficial for me as well as several of my past clients. Dedicated to providing educational resources and support through parenting groups and connection to mental health professionals, PSI has become a global powerhouse in assisting new parents who have perinatal mood disorders.
As a childhood sexual abuse survivor, I know all too well the long lasting affects of such trauma. Tell Somebody is an organization dedicated to providing assistance and mental health resources to individuals who have experienced sexual abuse and assault, sharing stories and personal truths as well as uplifting survivors.
Silence the Shame is a nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering and educating communities on mental health and wellness. To be a world leader on erasing the stigma and educating communities on mental wellness through Community Conversations, Wellness Trainings, compelling content, and outreach programs.
Aside from continuing my education and expanding my business this year, I also plan to dig deeper into Reproductive Justice work in more impactful ways. One of my top priorities is working with other doulas, birth workers and health care providers to change the North Carolina law that Certified Professional Midwives (different from Certified Nurse Midwives) are prohibited to assist in a home birth. It is also noted that most CPMs have hospital privileges and may not assist with home births. We saw a huge need for more midwives during the pandemic as the requests for home births soared. We must take action on this matter now so that more families have the birth they desire and have access to personalized prenatal and postpartum care. Sign the petition below.
Please contact me if would like to collaborate or host an co-host/sponsor a fundraising event.